Get Well Soon, Papa!

God, I'm scared.
At evening three days ago, my father suddenly lost his balance. He almost fell down to the floor with no sign. He said that there was something buzzing in his head and then he shouted. Me and my mother were shocked when hearing my father's shout.

I didn't know why it happened. So, when my brother came home that night, I told him about father and asked him if he could drive mother to work next morning. Because I'm afraid it will happened to him again when he drives his own car. Who knows when it will happen again, right?

Mother told father that he MUST  go to the doctor. Even the medical people couldn't help themselves when it came to disease. Then the next morning my father went to the ENT doctor to check the disease. Mother said that she didn't know what's wrong with father, but maybe it related to his nerves.

Remembering that occurrence makes me feel afraid from time to time. It could happen again when he's driving his car with the probability of an accident. I became paranoid.

Dear God, please don't take my dad away from me. I am not ready for that. I haven't give him anything yet
Dear Father, I wish you always be healthy. Please take care of your body, always keep your health, so that your maudlin daughter won't cry over you every night again when she is thinking of you.

Everlasting love for u,
- DeE -

The Puppy vs The Kitten

Hihihihi, gue geli aje tiap nginget waktu puppy gue si Brownie gue keluarin malem-malem buat buang kotoran. Di depan konter sepupu gue ternyata ada anak kucing yang masih keciiiiil banget *masih gedean tangan gue ini* ngeong-ngeong terus gitu. Gue penasaran dong, jadi gue deketin deh tuh kucing. Gue elus-elus kepalanya, dia balik nempel-nempelin kepalanya di kaki gue. Sedetik kemudian gue dikagetin gonggongan anjing yang ternyata tuh piaraan gue si Brownie. 

Brownie Jr. *tampang inosen*
Jadi deh tuh dua anak saling ngeong and gonggong. Tapi lucunya, tuh anak kucing stay cool aje sementara anjing gue sibuk lari muter-muter sambil gonggongin si kucing. Berisik banget pokoknya si Brownie. Yang bikin geli, Brownie itu penakut tapi sok-sokan berani. Sekali digertak dikit, Brownie langsung kocar-kacir gitu. Jadi ujung-ujungnya ya gue gendong bawa balik deh ni anjing, daripada abis sama tuh anak kucing. Bukan kucingnya yang modar, tapi Bon2 yang semaput nih pasti. Orang nge-sok gitu. Gubrak bener dah ah.

Ni anjing suka banget sok-sokan berani ngedeketin anjing-anjing gede yang ada di kompleks rumah gue. Hasilnya? Si Brownie sukses dikejer plus nyaris digigit sama anjing tetangga gue itu. Ya ampun...nakal banget pokoknya nih tuyul satu. Biar kecil tapi tenaganya luar binasa, capek bener gue ngejerin sana-sini buat nangkepinnya. Bonnie...Bonnie.. 

Everlasting love for u,
- DeE -

A Piece of Childhood Story

Well, it's raining outside when I wrote this post. I was sitting on the terrace's chair and my neighbor passing by the front of my house. She was walking in a rush with her children then suddenly I remember my childhood.

I remember when me and my childhood friends were playing 'engklek' *I don't know what is it in English :p tell me if you know, kay?* At that time, not only the girls around my age but also the boys were gathered together playing that traditional child's play. It was fun, my childhood back then. Everyday we used to play together, laugh together.

But time goes by so quickly. We're all grown up. None of us gathered together like before. All of us have our own activities. Some with their schools, others with their works. Only the boys (so did my lil' brother) are still in contact. Every midnight they usually have a chitchat at my cousin's stall.

So, uh, when I was remembering all of those memories, I felt proud of my childhood. Why? Because nowadays, only a few of neighbor's children would gather around and playing those traditional plays. Every afternoon filled with the noise of the children in my neighborhood back then. But now? It's quiet. Every child are busy playing with their Playstation or Nintendo or Xbox or whatever the name of those things.

See the picture above? Yeah, that's me playing 'engklek' when I was attended my niece's wedding in Linggau, on January 2nd this year. Me and my-sister-to-be-in-law were laughing out loud while playing it. Even my mom and my little niece wanted to join us although we didn't  remember anymore the rules of this game, hahaha.

Blahhh, I miss that time, I miss my childhood. But it's difficult to catch up together again with them. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time. Enjoying the childhood and never think about adulthood, haha. Why we have to grow up? Why don't we just be a kid forever? Why we have to be adults while adults sometime act like children? *peter pan syndrom =P*  No no no, that's selfish, spoiled girl!

OK, we HAVE to grow up. ALL of US, not only me myself. Let's grow to be the best adults ever.

Everlasting love for u,
- DeE -

Happy New Year^^

credit pic : as tagged
We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
- Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Happy New Year!!
Yeah, the first post in 2011! *throw confetti*

As the new year blossoms, may the journey of our lives be fragrant with new opportunities, our days be bright with new hopes and our hearts be happy with love! Happy New Year!

Everlasting Love,
- DeE -
