Short, Super Short!

I cut my hair just a week after I started working at hospital. Super short! Muahaha, finally after all this time! Is that good? Looks cuter? No? Hahaha..

I love my long wavy hair, me, it's not easy to do your job when you have to move fast everytime the employee from other unit needs you and your 'bunhead' become loose because of your movements so you have to go to the toilet few times a day to tighten up your 'bunhead'. No no no, that's enough. I had six days to go through all that. Besides, I ride my motorcycle everyday. I can't roll up my hair before work because I have to wear my helmet. So,yeah, better cut it out.

Now that I got this 'shaggy-bob' cut, my head feel so much lighter, and I don't have to bun my hair anymore. No more wasted time. Yeay. I cut my hair before Chinese New Year celebration. So it was a bit shocking when people saw me. They were like "Hah?" and "What?" but most of them said that short hair really suit me :D I look fresher :D:D

And you know what, few days later, one of Medical Committee people cut her hair, same as mine. Then few days later,  one of Medical Record people also cut her hair, shorter than mine. And few days later, my workmate cut his hair too! Hahaha, was it because of me?

Everlasting love for you,
- DeE -
